Are you looking for a list of IMOs (insurance marketing organizations) that offer annuity and life insurance products? Since Safe Money Broadcasting is a content and marketing company that isn’t in the financial services business, we often hear from our advisor- and agent-clients about whether a list of IMOs and FMOs working with such insurance companies and products is available.
Of course, there are many annuity and life IMOs from which to choose. You may have heard of an IMO referred to as an FMO (field marketing organization) or a BGA (brokerage general agency) before. When marketing organizations vary by size, small-sized and mid-sized firms may be called an FMO or a BGA. Still, they are pretty much the same thing, and many people in the insurance industry use these terms interchangeably.
Below is an IMO and FMO list for your convenience. This list of IMOs and FMOs isn’t nearly meant to be exhaustive, and we will add to it more over time as more annuity and life IMOs come to our attention or other changes happen. For those keen on their business independence, it’s good to keep in mind that some of these IMOs are owned by corporate groups that have been consolidating the independent insurance space quite rapidly.
Again, Safe Money Broadcasting is completely separate from any IMO and has no business interest in any annuity or life insurance distribution. Nor are we compensated in any way on insurance or financial business of any sort.
A Quick Note 🙂 – Safe Money Resource, an independent IMO, has been a trusted partner for thousands of financial advisors and agents since 2006. While Safe Money Broadcasting operates separately and welcomes all advisors with no contracts required for our services, we want to highlight the valuable resources Safe Money Resource offers. From marketing programs to sales support and exceptional customer service, they extend their expertise beyond the SafeMoney.com platform. If you’d like to learn more about them, feel free to call (800) 790-7791.
- Safe Money Resource (https://safemoneyresource.com/)
- 1st Atlantic Insurance Group (https://1statlantic.com)
- Aimcor Group (https://www.aimcorgroup.com/)
- Ash Brokerage (https://www.ashbrokerage.com/)
- Alpine Brokerage (alpinebrokerage.com)
- LTA Marketing (https://www.ltamarketing.com/)
- Brokers Alliance (https://brokersalliance.com/)
- Peak Pro Financial (https://www.peakprofinancial.com/)
- Aimcor Group (https://www.aimcorgroup.com/)
- Brokerage Resource (https://www.tbrins.com/carrier-selection.html)
- AFS Financial Services Group (https://amsfsg.com/)
- Pinnacle Group (https://pinnacleifs.com/)
- Insurance Agency Marketing Services (iamsinc.com)
- AIP Marketing Alliance (http://www.aipma.com/)
- Pinnacle Financial Services (https://pfsinsurance.com/)
- Redbird Agents (https://redbirdagents.com/)
- Shields Brokerage (https://shieldsbrokerage.com/)
- Consolidated Marketing Group (https://www.cmginfo.com/)
- AlSol Brokerage (alsolbrokerage.com)
- Ritter Insurance Marketing (https://www.ritterim.com/)
- M&O Marketing (https://www.mandomarketing.com/)
- Magellan Financial (https://www.partnerwithmagellan.com/)
- Brokerage USA (brokerageusa.com)
- NAIM (https://www.naim.com/)
- Matrix Insurance Marketing (https://www.matrixinsurance.com/)
- Brokers International (biltd.com)
- Trawick Financial Services (https://www.tfsquotes.com)
- Crossroads Financial Group (https://www.cfg4u.com/)
- Eagle Financial Group (https://www.eaglefinancialgroup.com)
- Consolidated Insurance Benefits (https://www.cibinc.com/)
- Evervest (https://evervestinc.com/)
- Highland Capital Brokerage (highland.com)
- Unkefer & Associates (https://www.unkefer.net/)
- Alliance Group (alliancegrouplife.com)
- Empower Brokerage (https://www.empowerbrokerage.com)
- Financial Independence Group (https://www.figmarketing.com/index.html#!/Landing)
- National Brokerage Agencies (https://nbagency.com/)
- SterlingBridge Partners (https://sterlingbridge.com/)
- Affinity Advisory Network (https://www.affinityadvisorynetwork.com/)
- Schaefer Financial Group (https://www.schaeferfinancialgroup.com/)
- Sunderland Group (https://sunderlandgroup.com/)
- Partners Advantage (https://partnersadvantage.com/)
- Aegis Financial (https://aegisfinancial.com/)
- Carothers Insurance (https://www.carothersinsurance.com/)
- LIBRA Insurance Partners (https://www.libraip.com/)
- Dallas Financial Wholesalers (https://www.ronrawlings.com/DFW/newfiles/index-dfw.php)
- FFP Insurance Services (https://www.ffpis.com/)
- JD Mellberg Financial (https://jdmellberg.com/)
- DMI Marketing (https://www.dmi.com)
- DFS Marketing (https://www.dfs-marketing.com/)
- iGroup (http://igroupweb.com/)
- InsurMark (https://insurmark.net/)
- McQueen Kalligan (https://www.mkisinc.com/)
- One Resource Group (https://www.orgcorp.com/)
- Brokers Choice of America (https://brokerschoice.com/)
- Hansen Brokerage (https://www.hansenbrokerage.com/)
- American Brokerage Services (https://www.absgo.com/)
- The Annuity Consultants (https://theannuityconsultants.com/)
- Forward Strategies Insurance Brokerage (https://www.fsib2000.com/)
- Messer Financial Group (https://www.messerfinancial.com/)
- Kafl Insurance Resources (https://kafl.com/)
- Ogletree Financial Services (https://ogletreefinancial.com/)
- LifePro (https://www.lifepro.com/)
- JLS Marketing Concepts (https://www.jlsmarketingconcepts.com/)
- Capitas Financial (https://www.capitasfinancial.com/)
- PMS Brokerage (https://www.psmbrokerage.com/)
- Universal Producers Group (https://www.universalproducersgroup.com/)
- Premier Insurance Partners (https://pip1.com/)
- Gordon Marketing (https://gordonmarketing.com)
- U.S. Marketing Corporation (https://www.usmarketingcorp.com/)
- Futurity First (https://www.futurityfirst.com/)
- Gradient Financial Group (https://gradientfinancialgroup.com/)
- Phase One Financial (https://phaseonefg.com/)
- Ideal Producers Group (https://idealpg.com)
- IFC National Marketing (https://ifcnationalmarketing.com)
- The Achievement Group (https://www.tagpartners.org/)
- Divergent Financial Marketing (https://www.divergentfm.com/)
- ProVision Brokerage (http://provisionbrokerage.com/)
- Safe Harbor Financial (https://www.safeharborfinancial.com/)
- Senior Market Sales (https://www.seniormarketsales.com/)
- American Group Insurance (https://americangroupinsurance.com)
- Lion Street (https://lionstreet.com/)
- CG Financial Group (https://cgfinancialgroupllc.com/)
- MidAtlantic Insurance Consultants (https://www.maicltd.com/)
- National Benefits Consultants (https://www.natbenco.com/)
- Legend Financial Marketing (https://legendfms.com/)
- Annuity Agents Alliance (https://www.annuityagentsalliance.com/)
- InVida Financial (https://www.invidafn.com/)
- CPS Insurance Services (https://www.cpsinsurance.com/)
- American Annuity Agency (https://www.aaagency.net/)
- Diversified Marketing Group (https://dmgusa.org/)
- TruChoice Financial (https://www.truchoicefinancial.com/)
- Ohlson Group (https://www.ohlsongroup.com/)
- ECA Marketing (https://ecamarketing.com)
- MRW Financial Services (https://www.mrwfinancial.com/)
- Financial Security Associates (https://fsa4life.com/)
- LaBonte Insurance Marketing Services (https://www.labonteinsurance.net)
- BGA Insurance Group (https://www.bgainsurance.net/)
- American Retirement Systems (americanretirementsystems.com)
- Atlantic Brokerage Partners (https://www.agtresources.com/)
- Life Guys, Inc. (https://www.lifeguys.com/)
- Annuity Marketing Services (annuitymarketing.com)
- Advisors Ignite USA (https://www.aiusa.biz/)
- The Revolution FMO (https://www.revolutionmo.com/)
- Integrity Marketing Group (https://www.integritymarketing.com/)
- V2 Financial Marketing (https://v2leads.com/)
- CreativeOne (https://creativeone.com/)
- Advisors Excel (https://advisorsexcel.com)
- Simplicity Group (https://www.simplicitygroup.com/)
- AmeriLife (amerilife.com)
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